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  1. JOHNSON, WILLIAM SAMUEL (1727–1819) Dr. William Samuel Johnson signed the Constitution as a Connecticut delegate to the constitutional convention of 1787. A lawyer and educator, he had already served his state as a legislator and judge. Johnson, a conciliator respected by all delegates, formally proposed the Connecticut Compromise (great ...

  2. Boswell, James, Life of Johnson, 1777 passim, for more information on Johnson's work in behalf of Dodd. ISBN 978-0-14-043662-4 (and several other editions with different ISBNs, as well as various public domain editions) Brack, O. M., editor. The Macaroni Parson and the Concentrated Mind: Samuel Johnson's Writings for the Reverend William Dodd.

  3. Samuel Johnson (Lichfield, 18 de septiembre de 1709-Londres, 13 de diciembre de 1784) fue un poeta, ensayista, biógrafo, crítico literario y lexicógrafo inglés.Fue una de las figuras literarias más importantes de Inglaterra: autor del primer diccionario de la lengua inglesa, y considerado por muchos como el mejor crítico literario en idioma inglés. [1]

  4. Samuel Johnson, nado en Lichfield (Staffordshire) o 18 de setembro de 1709 e finado en Londres o 13 de decembro de 1784, foi unha das figuras literarias máis importantes de Inglaterra: poeta, ensaísta, biógrafo e lexicógrafo e é considerado por moitos como o mellor crítico literario en lingua inglesa.

  5. James Boswell was a friend and biographer of Samuel Johnson (Life of Johnson, 2 vol., 1791). The 20th-century publication of his journals proved him to be also one of the world’s greatest diarists. Boswell’s father, Alexander Boswell, advocate and laird of Auchinleck in Ayrshire from 1749, was

  6. 8 de out. de 2019 · Samuel Johnson (September 18, 1709—December 13, 1784) was an English writer, critic, and all-around literary celebrity in the 18th century. While his poetry and works of fiction—though certainly accomplished and well-received—are not generally regarded among the great works of his time, his contributions to the English language and the field of literary criticism are extremely notable.

  7. Samuel Johnson, sau Dr Samuel Johnson, născut la 7 septembrie (sau la 18 septembrie stil nou) 1709 și decedat la 13 decembrie 1784, este unul din principalii autori ai literaturii engleze din secolul XVIII: poet, eseist, bibliograf; lexicograf și de asemenea unul dintre cei mai fini critici ai acestei literaturi.