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  1. 27 de set. de 2020 · SYLVIA PANKHURST. En 1930, el primer ministro conservador Stanley Baldwin descubrió una estatua en honor a Emmeline Pankhurst. En 1958, fue agregada una placa que recordaba a su hija Christabel. De esta forma, el Estado las reconocía como heroínas de la lucha por el sufragio femenino en Inglaterra. Sylvia, hija de Emmeline y hermana de ...

  2. 23 de jan. de 2020 · Pankhurst diede alla luce cinque figli tra il 1880 e il 1889: le figlie Christabel, Sylvia e Adela, ei figli Frank e Harry. Dopo essersi presa cura del suo primogenito (e presunto favorito) Christobel, Pankhurst ha trascorso poco tempo con i suoi figli successivi quando erano piccoli, lasciandoli invece alle cure delle tate.

  3. Sylvia Pankhurst was a political activist and campaigner for women’s rights, who is remembered chiefly for her use of militant tactics in the fight for women’s right to vote. She lived at 120 Cheyne Walk in Chelsea from 1906 to 1909.

  4. Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (máis tarde abandonou o seu primeiro nome) naceu en Manchester, filla de Emmeline Pankhurst, fundadora da Unión Feminina Social e Política en favor do sufraxismo e de Richard Marsden Pankhurst, avogado e autor da Lei da propiedade da muller casada de 1884.[ 1] Tanto a súa nai como o seu pai eran membros do Partido ...

  5. Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (5 May 1882 – 27 September 1960) was an English feminist and socialist activist and writer. Following encounters with women-led labour activism in the United States, she worked to organise working-class women in London's East End. This, together with her refusal in 1914 to enter into a wartime political truce with the ...

  6. 10 de abr. de 2020 · Sylvia Pankhurst critique la stratégie féministe dirigée par des personnes issues de milieux bourgeois. L’activisme minoritaire et l’interpellation des élus atteignent leurs limites. Sylvia Pankhrust s’attache à construire un mouvement de masse ancré dans les quartiers pauvres de l’Est londonien.

  7. The Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Committee was formed in 1999 in an attempt to redress this historical injustice. The committee (the patron of which is Sylvia’s son, Richard Pankhurst) has launched a campaign in the labour movement to raise funds for a life-size statue of Sylvia as an emblematic symbol of the unsung heroism of thousands of working-class women who fought for the franchise and ...