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  1. Pascal Gorriot, an escaped criminal, accidentally witnesses Lucille disposing of her second husband Andre's body at sea. Thirteen years later, Andre's cousin turns up at Lucille's villa with his Alastian dog. It's not long before creepy Colin, Andre's son, strangles the unfortunate hound and Falaise, Andre's daughter, stabs their unwelcome family member to death. Another unwanted visitor ...

  2. Peter Scheinpflug In the Folds of the Flesh: psychoanalysis, trauma narratives, and the deconstruction of generic conventions (2015) “[…] what has been remains imbedded in the brain nestled in the folds of the flesh […]”i This quote, which is supposedly by Sigmund Freud, is presented to the audience at the very beginning of the gialloii movie In the Fold of the Flesh (I/SP 1970).

  3. 14 de out. de 2022 · English theatrical trailer for IN THE FOLDS OF THE FLESH (Nelle pieghe della carne; 1970). also:h...

  4. 29 de abr. de 2020 · In the Folds of the Flesh ist wirklich zu den bizarrsten Gialli zu zählen, die jemals gedreht wurden, und obwohl seine vielen Outré-Handlungselemente normalerweise zu einem übertriebenen Stück „Euro-Trash“ führen würden, ist das Material so willkürlich entwickelt worden, dass es niemals einem Zusammenwachsen in ein einheitliches Ganzes nahe kommt.

  5. S'ouvrant sur une citation de Freud, IN THE FOLDS OF THE FLESH est si tordu qu'il mettrait sur les rotules une armée de psychanalystes. Le scénario joue la carte du mystère et du retournement de situation retournant la situation retournée par la situation qui va être à nouveau retournée par un mystère dans le mystère prompt à retourner à nouveau toutes les situations.

  6. “What has been remains imbedden in the brain nestled in the folds of the flesh. Distorted, it conditions and subconsciously impels…(Freud)” Those words start this movie off, with a crime being shown in the past and then fast forwarding 13 years into the future, where we meet one screwed up family.

    • DVD