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  1. 18 de out. de 2018 · Teresa Gamba Guiccioli (Ravenna, 1799/1800 – Firenze, 1873) era una contessa ravennate, figlia del conte Ruggero Gamba. Quest’ultimo combinò il matrimonio tra la giovanissima figlia, allora diciottenne, e Alessandro Guiccioli, esponente della nobiltà di Ravenna ormai quasi sessantenne, vedovo con la fama di essere libertino, avaro, ma pronto a intraprendere stratagemmi per ottenere ...

  2. Citazioni su Teresa Gamba Guiccioli [modifica] Enrico Nencioni [modifica]. Citazioni in ordine temporale. Statura piuttosto piccola; gracile, ma perfetta di forme: bianchissima di carnagione: sorriso etereo, Correggiesco: occhi veramente italiani, pieni di languori e di tempeste, di sorrisi e di lacrime.

  3. being told in 1819 that Teresa was near to death, Byron contemplated suicide. Alessandro Guiccioli – with whom Byron shared an interest in the theatre – tolerated their liaison, and Byron even lived in his palazzo at Ravenna. Byron was friends with Teresa’s father, Ruggiero Gamba, and her brother Pietro, both of whom shared his

  4. La storia d’amore tra Lord Byron e Teresa Gamba. “ Fiume, che scorri presso le antiche mura, dove abita la signora del mio amore”. Scrive così Lord Byron nella sua poesia Stanzas to the Po. Il fiume è, appunto, il Po. Mentre la signora del suo amore è la giovanissima contessa Teresa Guiccioli, nata Teresa Gamba nel 1800 e andata sposa ...

  5. 2 de mar. de 2015 · I wish that you had stayed there, with all my heart, – or, at least, that I had never met you in your married state. But all this is too late. I love you, and you love me, – at least, you say so, and act as if you did so, which last is a great consolation in all events. But I more than love you, and cannot cease to love you.

  6. 11 de out. de 2019 · Description: This sizeable travelling chest (48.2 x 80.7 x 19.2 cm) belonged to Countess Teresa Guiccioli, née Gamba (1800-73), the co-protagonist of what Iris Origo called Lord Byron’s ‘last attachment’. A little battered, perhaps, it hides its secrets well. Read carefully, it nonetheless expresses continuity with systems of ...

  7. 1 de out. de 1983 · Teresa Guiccioli was the poet's last mistress, his liaison with whom was of longer duration than any other. They met in 1819, and their relationship lasted until he left Italy for Greece in 1823. Persecuted by the authorities because of the friendship with such a dangerous man, Teresa's family had to move from Ravenna to Pisa and finally to Genoa.