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  1. Objective-C on Wikipedia. The Objective-C Programming Language. Programming with Objective-C. Objective-C as it was in NextSTEP 3.0. Honoring Brad Cox.

  2. Objective-C 2.0之前,一个类必须实现它声明符合的协议中的所有方法,否则编译器会报告错误,表明这个类没有实现它声明符合的协议中的全部方法。Objective-C 2.0版本允许标记协议中某些方法为可选的(Optional),這樣编译器就不会强制实现这些可选的方法。

  3. Objective-C is an object-oriented superset of ANSI C by Brad Cox and Tom Love of Stepstone (later Productivity Products International). Its additions to the C programming language are few and are mostly based on Smalltalk. Objective C is implemented as a preprocessor for C. Its programming syntax is a superset of standard C syntax, and its compiler accepts both C and Objective C source code ...

  4. Objective-C被描述为“蓋在C語言上的薄薄一層”,因為Objective-C的原意就是在C語言主體上加入 面向对象 的特性。. Objective-C的 面向对象 語法源於 Smalltalk 訊息傳遞風格。. 所有其他非 面向对象 的語法,包括變數型別,預處理器(preprocessing),流程控制,函數声明 ...

  5. Objective-C is a reflective object oriented programming language developed by Brad Cox as a hybrid between Smalltalk and C to combine the flexibility of Smalltalk with the execution speed of C. It was chosen by NeXT Inc. as the implementation language for the NeXTstep operating system and its API, which was later published as an open specification under the name OpenStep, After Apple Inc ...

  6. Objective-C é unha linguaxe de programación orientada a obxectos creada como un superconxunto de C pero que pon en funcionamento un modelo de obxectos semellante ó de Smalltalk. Orixinalmente foi creado por Brad Cox e a Corporación StepStone en 1980. En 1988 foi adoptado como linguaxe de programación de NEXTSTEP e en 1992 foi liberado ...

  7. Objective-C доступен практически в каждом дистрибутиве GNU/Linux благодаря компилятору gobjc, созданному проектом gcc. Для работы с Objective-C под ОС Windows используют эмуляторы среды POSIX (бесплатные): mingw; cygwin;