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  1. The Charlottesville historic monument controversy is the public discussion on how Charlottesville should respond to protesters who complain that various local monuments are racist. The controversy began before 2016 when protest groups in the community asked the city council for the local removal of Confederate monuments and memorials .

  2. Charlottesville je město v americkém státě Virginie, které je správním centrem okresu Albemarle. V roce 2016 mělo 49 071 obyvatel. Pokud se k městu přičte metropolitní oblast ležící v tomto okrese, stoupne počet obyvatel města na 229 304 obyvatel. Město je pojmenované po britské královně Šarlotě Meklenbursko-Střelické ...

  3. Le Charlottesville Reservoir est un lac de barrage américain dans le comté d'Albemarle, en Virginie. Il est situé à 297 mètres d'altitude dans les montagnes Blue Ridge, immédiatement à l'est du parc national de Shenandoah. Son émissaire est la Moormans, laquelle relève du bassin versant du James .

  4. Charlottesville is a city in Virginia in the United States. It is named for Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, King George III 's queen. As of 2020, 46,553 people lived there. [1] In 2004, Charlottesville was named the best place to live in the United States in a book named Cities Ranked and Rated. Three American presidents have lived in ...

  5. UTC−8 ( EST) • Summer ( DST) UTC−7 ( EDT) The Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area is a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) in the Piedmont region of the Commonwealth of Virginia as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The combined population is: 201,559 (2010 census), 218,615 (2018 estimate), and 235,232 (2019 ...

  6. Charlottesville Alliance FC, anteriormente conhecido como Aromas Café FC, é uma agremiação esportiva da cidade de Charlottesville, Virgínia. [ 1 ] Atualmente disputa a National Premier Soccer League .

  7. Manifestação "Unite the Right" de 2017 (em português: "Unir a Direita") foi um protesto conduzido por grupos de extrema-direita contra a remoção do monumento do confederado Robert E. Lee na cidade de Charlottesville, Virgínia, Estados Unidos. [ 1][ 2] Os manifestantes eram supremacistas brancos, nacionalistas brancos, neo-confederados ...