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  1. 28 de jan. de 2022 · Magdalen Fellow in English Professor Simon Horobin sheds light on the often confusing world of Oxford lingo Even though it may be some time since your student days, little has changed in the bewildering world of Oxford lingo. Students arriving in Oxford are often surprised to discover that they have come up, especially those who […]

  2. Address: Magdalen College, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 4AU, United Kingdom The Lodge is staffed 24 hours a day. Directions: Coaches stop in the High Street, opposite Queen's Lane, four minutes' walk from the property's Porters' Lodge, which is close to the foot of the Great Tower very near Magdalen Bridge.

  3. Magdalen College, den traditionella majsjungningen ska snart börja i gryningen. Magdalen College [ˈmɔːdlin] är ett av universitetet i Oxfords mest berömda colleges. Det grundades 1458 av William Waynflete, biskop i Winchester och Englands lordkansler.

  4. Perhaps the best reason for studying physics is to discover, in the words of Richard Feynman, the “pleasure of finding things out”. As the most fundamental of the sciences, physics seeks to describe, predict and manipulate nature at the most basic level. The study of physics equips students with analytical, mathematical and practical skills which […]

  5. Mathematics is essential for science and society, and it is present in every discipline and every industry. It is arguably in a golden age and mathematicians are more in demand today than ever before. This is also reflected in the wide variety of jobs that our former students have gone on to after finishing their […]

  6. Magdalen College (pronuncia-se "maudlin", [ˈmɔːdlɪn]) é uma das faculdades constituintes da Universidade de Oxford, na Inglaterra. É também a mais rica, pois, em 2003, tinha recebido uma doação de 116 milhões de libras esterlinas. Magdalen College foi fundada como Magdalen Hall por William Waynflete, Bispo de Winchester, em 1448.

  7. 21 de nov. de 2013 · 22 November 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of one of Magdalen’s most famous 20th century members, the scholar, novelist and theologian C. S. Lewis. Lewis had been an undergraduate at University College, but was elected a Tutorial Fellow in English of Magdalen in 1925. He remained here at Magdalen until 1954, when […]