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  1. 17 de nov. de 2016 · Em foco: Rem Koolhaas. O celebrado arquiteto Remment (Rem) Koolhaas, laureado com o Prêmio Pritzker e curador da Bienal de Veneza de 2014, completa hoje 72 anos. Rem iniciou seus estudos em arquitetura na Architectural Association de Londres em 1968 e posteriormente fundou o OMA (Office of Metropolitan Architecture) com um de seus ex ...

  2. 2014-05-06. Abstract. In a short essay dealing with the repetitive homogeneity of the Manhattan’s office layouts, Rem Koolhaas defined the term Typical Plan as one of the purest American architectural archetypes. A plan stripped of all its qualities and reduced to a calculated relation between discreet standardised elements: an empty surface ...

  3. Project. Rem Koolhaas’s team found in the dilemma of creating a building able to redevelop and absorb as many students as possible with the least amount of incorporated substance, adapting and molding itself to master Mies Van der Rohe, former Head of Department plan, which ruled in his unique style “less is more”.

  4. Rem Koolhaas en 10 projets phare. Lauréat du prix Pritzker en 2000, le starchitecte néerlandais a signé, avec ses associés de l'OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture), de nombreuses réalisations internationalement reconnues. Du siège de la China Central Television à la fondation Prada de Milan… voici ses projets les plus marquants.

  5. Description. This project consists of 24 individual houses in the Kashi District of Fukuoka, each three stories high, packed together to form two blocks. Each house is penetrated by a private vertical courtyard that introduces light and space into the center. Confronted with the possibility of building in Japan, a European architect faces a ...

  6. Rem Koolhaas, (Remmet Koolhaas) (Róterdam, 17 de noviembre de 1944) es un arquitecto holandés. Su trabajo abandona el compromiso prescriptivo del movimiento moderno, anuncia la imposibilidad del arquitecto de instalar nuevos comienzos en el día a día, y practica una arquitectura que cristaliza acríticamente la realidad socio-política del momento.

  7. Sébastien Marot. Du village global à la ville générique: Rem Koolhaas, archéologue. Marnes, docu- ments d’architecture, 2012, 2, pp.235-251. hal-03506029. Du village global à la ville générique. Rem Koolhaas, archéologue sébastien marot. 235.