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  1. PDF downloads of all 1932 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1932 titles we cover.

  2. PYGMALION BERNARD SHAW 1912 PREFACE TO PYGMALION. A Professor of Phonetics. As will be seen later on, Pygmalion needs, not a preface, but a sequel, which I have supplied in its due place. The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it.

  3. Pygmalion: rozbor díla, vypravěč, děj, popis, motivy a další informace. 27. 12. 2023. Rozbory literárních děl. Pygmalion (George Bernard Shaw) Pygmalion od George Bernarda Shawa je divadelní hra, která byla poprvé uvedena v roce 1913. Příběh se točí kolem profesora fonetiky Henryho Higginse, který se snaží proměnit ...

  4. Pygmalion was a prince of Cyprus, a hater of women, and a very talented sculptor. Resolving that he would never marry, Pygmalion created a marble statue of a woman so beautiful that no living woman approached her allure. Pygmalion called his statue Galatea, which means “sleeping love”.

  5. 19 de dez. de 2023 · by George Bernard Shaw. Pygmalion both delighted and scandalized its first audiences in 1914. A brilliantly witty reworking of the classical tale of the sculptor Pygmalion, who falls in love with his perfect female statue, it is also a barbed attack on the British class system and a statement of Shaw's feminist views.

  6. Pygmalion is a play by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, named after the Greek mythological figure. It premiered at the Hofburg Theatre in Vienna on 16 October 1913 and was first presented on stage in German.

  7. When Pygmalion is punished by blindness for his infidelity, Galatea has to disappear, because she causes too much grief and confusion. Pygmalion’s creation becomes his punishment, and his talent is seen as “the fearful gift of bringing stone to life” [6, p. 33]. Now Pygmalion’s gift is cognized as perverse and transgressive.