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  1. Os connectors, que também são conhecidos como linking words, são o que conhecemos em português como conjunção, ou seja, palavras que possuem a função de ligar duas frases, garantindo coerência e coesão às mesmas. Em Português nós temos conjuções aditivas, adversativas, alternativas, conclusivas e explicativas. O mesmo ocorre no Inglês. Nesta apresentação você conhecerá os

  2. 15 de nov. de 2023 · Without linking words, your writing can feel disjointed and confusing. Some common examples of linking words include “however,” “therefore,” “in addition,” “moreover,” “nevertheless,” and “consequently.”. These words can be used to show contrast, add information, provide examples, or indicate a cause and effect ...

  3. I will explain each category and give examples of words you can use. The words will then be used in a sentence so you can see it in a proper context. Furthermore, I put all of them in an Anki File called “how to use French linking words” which you can download and add to you collection. Also, at the end you will find a graph which contains ...

  4. She’s beautiful as well as being extremely successful. in addition / moreover / furthermore. These linking words are usually used at the beginning of a sentence to add another idea or further develop the previous point. People who exercise regularly have more energy during the day and sleep better at night.

  5. Summarizing Words. Below are some words that can be used to when you want to describe the summary of a is important to note that these words can be used both at the beginning and middle of a sentence. In conclusion. To sum up. Overall. In summary.

  6. linking words - cause and effect. Free online English test. Getting started.

  7. 26 de fev. de 2024 · Complétez les phrases à l’aides des connecteurs suivants. Une seule place est possible pour chacun des mots. Les mots de liaison à utiliser : WHEREAS – THANKS TO – SO AS TO – SINCE – HOWEVER – DUE TO – AS LONG AS – ALTHOUGH.