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  1. Alfred Tennyson był obok Roberta Browninga najwybitniejszym twórcą monologów dramatycznych. Jego znane utwory z tego gatunku to Ulisses [2], Oenone i Święty Szymon Słupnik [3]. Będąca admiratorką jego twórczości królowa Wiktoria nadała mu w 1884 roku – jako pierwszemu w historii poecie – tytuł szlachecki [1] .

  2. Alfred Tennyson was born on August 6th, 1809, the fourth in a family of twelve children. His father entered the ministry unwillingly, forced into the profession out of financial necessity. Having a rich Aunt and Uncle made Tennyson worry about money for most of his life; not to mention that poetry was not the most promising profession financially in Victorian England.

  3. Arguably one of the most famous English poets with a career lasting 62 years he not only became Lord Alfred 1st Baron Tennyson and succeeded Wordsworth as Poet Laureate in 1850, but was also a source of great comfort to Queen Victoria, following the death of Prince Albert in 1861. Indeed the Queen was quoted as saying that “Next to the Bible ...

  4. Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) su incisione dal 1872. Poeta laureato di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda durante il regno della regina Vittoria. Uno dei poeti britannici più popolari. Incisa secondo un dipinto di A.Chappel e pubblicata in “The Masterpiece Library of Short Stories”, USA, 1872.

  5. Lord Alfred Tennyson (Somersby, Reino Unido, 1809 - Aldworth, id., 1892) Poeta británico. Creció en el seno de una familia acomodada que le inculcó el gusto por la lectura, y ya desde joven manifestó sus aptitudes poéticas en unas primeras composiciones a la manera de Pope y Milton.

  6. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, is perhaps today the best-known poet of the Victorian Age. Born in Lincolnshire in 1809, he became Poet Laureate in 1850 and is famous world-wide for such poems as ‘The Lady of Shalott’, ‘Ulysses’ and ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’.

  7. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, was the leading poet of the Victorian Age in England and by the mid-19th century had come to occupy a position similar to that of Alexander Pope in the 18th. Tennyson was a consummate poetic artist, consolidating and refining the traditions bequeathed to him by his predecessors in the Romantic movement—especially Wordsworth, Byron, and Keats.