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  1. Biyografi. Bir sonra doktora altında Marshall Stone at Chicago Üniversitesi 1950 yılında Richard Kadison iki yıl boyunca Institute for Advanced Study. 1954-55'te Fulbright Üyesi , 1958'den 1962'ye kadar Sloan ve 1969'da Guggenheim'dı. 1952'den itibaren Columbia Üniversitesi'nde yardımcı doçent, doçent ve ardından profesör olarak ders verdi . 1964'ten itibaren Pennsylvania ...

  2. › wiki › KadisonKadison - Wikipedia

    Joshua Kadison (born 1963), American singer-songwriter, pianist, writer. Luba Kadison (1906–2006), Lithuanian Jewish actress, active in Yiddish theatre. Richard Kadison (1925–2018), American mathematician. Rosemary Kadison (1932–2019), Sri Lankan Burgher author of historical romance novels. Zak Kadison, American film producer.

  3. Richard Streit Hamilton (Cincinnati, 1943) é um matemático estadunidense. É conhecido por ter contribuido para a demonstração da conjectura de Poincaré. Biografia "Hamilton recebeu seu bacharelado em 1963 pela Universidade de Yale e Ph.D. em 1966 pela Universidade de Princeton. Robert Gunning supervisionou sua tese.

  4. Richard Kenneth Lashof (* 9. November 1922 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; † 4. Februar 2010 in Alameda, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Mathematiker, der sich mit geometrischer Topologie und Differentialtopologie befasste. Lashof studierte Chemieingenieurwesen an der University of Pennsylvania mit dem Bachelor-Abschluss 1943, war im ...

  5. Richard K. Lashof (November 9, 1922 – February 4, 2010) was an American mathematician. He contributed to the field of geometric and differential topology, working with Shiing-Shen Chern, Stephen Smale, among others. Lashof is regarded as "the key figure in sustaining the Chicago Mathematics Department as an international center for research ...

  6. › wiki › KadisonKadisonWikipedia

    Kadison. Kadison ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Joshua Kadison (* 1963), US-amerikanischer Popmusiker. Luba Kadison (1906–2006), amerikanische Theaterschauspielerin. Richard Kadison (1925–2018), US-amerikanischer Mathematiker. Siehe auch:

  7. Kadison, Richard V. Transformations of states in operator theory and dynamics. Topology 3 1965 suppl. 2, 177--198. Kadison, Richard V. Remarks on the type of von Neumann algebras of local observables in quantum field theory. J. Mathematical Phys. 4 1963 1511--1516. Kadison, Richard V. Normalcy in operator algebras.