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  1. L' alphabet phénicien (appelé par convention alphabet protocananéen pour les inscriptions antérieures à 1200 av. J.-C.) est un ancien abjad, un alphabet consonantique non pictographique 1. Il était utilisé pour l'écriture des langues cananéennes et en particulier du phénicien, langue sémitique utilisée par la civilisation phénicienne.

  2. The Atlantic voyage of Hanno the Navigator in the 5th century BC. Phoenician–Punic literature is literature written in Phoenician, the language of the ancient civilization of Phoenicia, or in the Punic language that developed from Phoenician and was used in Ancient Carthage. It is surrounded by an aura of mystery due to the few preserved remains.

  3. Alfabeto fenício. Vários modelos de alfabetos como o latino, o grego, e o árabe evoluiram do aramaico, que por sua vez foi a única evolução do fenício. O alfabeto fenício (na verdade um abjad /consonantário, por ter apenas as consoantes e não as vogais), foi o sistema de escrita usado na Fenícia (atuais Síria, Líbano e norte de ...

  4. Phoenician alphabet.svg. English: The Phoenician alphabet. Note that ’ and ‘ were originally full consonants in the Phoenician language (glottal stop ʔ and voiced pharyngeal ʕ respectively). Several of the letters were ambiguous (i.e. denoted more than one consonant phoneme) when the Phoenician alphabet was borrowed to write Old Aramaic ...

  5. Flinders Petrie, 1906, Researches in Sinai O my god, 「rescue」 [me] 「from」 the interior of the mine. ’l「ḫlṣ」[n]「b」t「k」nqb Text 350 Steliform rock panel column ii, left column gives a picture of the situation of the miners." According to William Albright, in his book "The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions And Their Decipherment", the first inscriptions in the category now ...

  6. Phönizische Schrift. 11. bis 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Die Inschrift am Deckel des Ahiram-Sarkophags (in Byblos-Schrift, ca. 1000 v. Chr.) gilt als eines der ältesten Zeugnisse der phönizischen Schrift. Die phönizische Schrift ist eine linksläufige Konsonantenschrift aus 22 Zeichen, deren Reihenfolge das Abdschad übernommen hat und die vom ...

  7. Description. Before, during, and after the existence of the ancient Berber kingdoms of Numidia (northern Algeria, 202 BC–40 BC) and Mauretania (northern Morocco, 3rd century BC – 44 AD) many inscriptions were engraved using the Libyco-Berber script, although the overwhelming majority of the found ones were simple funerary scripts, with rock art, cave art, graffiti, and even a few official ...