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  1. Os Opisthokonta são organismos eucariotas que formam um clado estritamente monofilético (um ramo evolutivo) no qual coexistem algumas formas unicelulares flageladas, inclui os reinos dos fungos verdadeiros ( Fungi) e dos animais verdadeiros ( Animalia ).

  2. › wiki › OpisthokontOpisthokont - Wikipedia

    Opisthokont characteristics include synthesis of extracellular chitin in exoskeleton, cyst/spore wall, or cell wall of filamentous growth and hyphae; the extracellular digestion of substrates with osmotrophic absorption of nutrients; and other cell biosynthetic and metabolic pathways.

  3. Los opistocontos ( Opisthokonta) son un clado de organismos eucariotas en el que coexisten algunas formas unicelulares flageladas ( coanozoos) junto a los hongos verdaderos ( Fungi) y animales verdaderos ( Animalia ). 3 4 5 6 7 El nombre alude a que el flagelo, singular cuando está presente, ocupa una posición posterior, avanzando la c...

  4. The Ichthyosporea (or DRIP clade, or Mesomycetozoea) are a small group of Opisthokonta in Eukaryota (formerly protists ), mostly parasites of fish and other animals. Significance.

  5. Les Opisthocontes ( Opisthokonta) sont un groupe d' eucaryotes unicontes regroupant des organismes très divers en apparence, résultant du rapprochement récent de plusieurs taxons, dont les champignons et les métazoaires.

  6. › wiki › ChoanozoaChoanozoa - Wikipedia

    Choanozoa is a clade of opisthokont eukaryotes consisting of the choanoflagellates (Choanoflagellatea) and the animals (Animalia, Metazoa). The sister-group relationship between the choanoflagellates and animals has important implications for the origin of the animals.

  7. Opisthokonts are a superkingdom of the Eukaryota, including the animals and fungi. It is a group of unikonts . There are several classifications of the eukaryotes which are being discussed. Each of them divides the domain Eukaryota into five groups, but there is disagreement on the details. [4]