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  1. 28 de mai. de 2021 · William Shakespeare nasceu em Stratford-upon-Avon, no condado de Warwick, Inglaterra, no dia 23 de abril de 1564. Filho de John Shakespeare e de Mary Arden, seu pai foi comerciante de lã e chegou a tesoureiro e prefeito de Stratford. Infância e juventude

  2. Mary Sidney Herbert, the Countess of Pembroke. Dates: 1561 – 1621. Background: Mary Sidney was the most educated woman in England, comparable only to Queen Elizabeth. She was fluent in Italian, French, and Latin, and probably Greek; played the lute and virginals; sang; had all the refinements of an aristocratic woman, such as medical training ...

  3. By Shakespeare's World April 5, 2018. Shakespeare’s mother Mary was buried in Stratford-upon-Avon on 9 September 1608 at the end of a long and eventful life. Mary Arden was from a farming family considered to be part of the local gentry in Warwickshire. She was born during the reign of Henry VIII in Wilmcote, a small village with one main ...

  4. 28 de fev. de 2024 · Principais obras de Shakespeare. Shakespeare escreveu grandes tragédias como Romeu e Julieta. As grandes obras de Shakespeare são de índole dramatúrgica e se dividem em tragédias (dramas históricos e ficcionais) e comédias. A lista completa destas peças é a seguinte: Tragédias. Compostas em torno de temas históricos ou da ...

  5. 16 de mai. de 2023 · Mary und John Shakespeare hatten insgesamt 8 Kinder. Ihre ersten beiden Töchter starben bereits kurz nach der Geburt, erst das dritte Kind, William (1564-1616) sollte überleben. Als kurz nach seiner Geburt die Pest ausbrach, ging seine Mutter mit ihm zu ihrer Schwester nach Wilmcote und rettete ihm damit wahrscheinlich das Leben.

  6. 26 de abr. de 2022 · Mary Arden, c. 1537-1608, was the youngest daughter of Robert Arden (d. 1556/7) of Wilmcote, Warwickshire by his first wife, Mary Webb (1512-before 1550). Shortly after inheriting ten marks and a property called Asbyes upon her father’s death, Mary married John Shakespeare (d.1601). Although she was the mother of William Shakespeare (1564 ...