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  1. クリスティーネ・カウフマン(Christine Kaufmann, 1945年 1月11日 - 2017年 3月28日)は、オーストリア・シュタイアーマルク州出身のドイツの女優。クリスチーネ・カウフマンの表記もある。 来歴. ドイツ人の父親とフランス人の母親を持つ。

  2. 克里斯汀·考夫曼(生于1945年1月11日,奥地利)是一位德国女演员。 1961年,她赢得了年度金球奖,德国唯一获此殊荣的女演员。出生于德国的父亲和拥有法国、奥地利血统的母亲,考夫曼最初成为慕尼黑歌剧院的芭蕾舞演员。她在7岁的时候演出《白马客栈》,1952年开始她的电影生涯。这部电影令 ...

  3. Christine Maria Kaufmann foi uma atriz alemã, nascida na região da Estíria, então Alemanha e hoje pertencente à Áustria, filha de um oficial alemão da Luftwaffe e de mãe francesa.

  4. 28 de mar. de 2017 · Christine Kaufmann, Golden Globe-winning actress, died in Munich, Germany, after battling leukemia, her management company told the dpa news agency on Tuesday. She was 72. “Christine was a ...

  5. 28 de mar. de 2017 · Christine Kaufmann was one of only few German actresses to have ever made it in Hollywood. She performed in several other films there. She met US actor Tony Curtis on the set of the historical ...

  6. 9 de out. de 2017 · Christine Kaufmann, atriz ganhadora do Globo de Ouro, casada com Tony Curtis. Atriz premiada lançou livros sobre beleza. Christine Kaufmann (Lengdorf, Áustria, 11 de janeiro de 1945 – Munique, Alemanha, 28 de março de 2017), atriz austríaca vencedora de um Globo de Ouro com ‘Cidade sem Piedade’, ao lado de Kirk Douglas, saltou para as revistas cor de rosa em 1963, ao casar com a ...

  7. Christine Kaufmann. Actress: Taras Bulba. Born in Austria to a French mother and a German father, young Christine Kaufmann conquered the hearts of post-war German movie audiences in movies like Der schweigende Engel (1954), Ein Herz schlägt für Erika (1956) and, most famously, Rosen-Resli (1954).