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  1. Douglass House, Circa 1980. After Fannie Douglass' death, the house sat empty and was in need of major repairs. Fannie's granddaughter, four generations removed from Frederick Douglass and then living in California, decided to sell the house. In 1987 the home was purchased by architect Charles Bohl and his wife Barbara, to renovate it and save it.

  2. The Frederick Douglass Centre. Shaping the future for learning, weaving together social spaces and lecture theatres, the on-site state-of-the-art £34m facilities include a stunning auditorium for 750, a 200-seat lecture theatre and a range of seminar rooms and exhibition spaces over several floors. It is a key component of Newcastle University ...

  3. 3 de abr. de 2014 · Abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass was born into slavery sometime around 1818 in Talbot County, Maryland. He became one of the most famous intellectuals of his time, advising presidents and ...

  4. Há 4 dias · When Douglass delivered his famous “The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro” address before an audience at Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York, on July 5, 1852, he was issuing “a ...

  5. Assim como Nat Turner e Frederick Douglass, muitos foram os escravizados capazes de ler e escrever nos Estados Unidos que tiveram suas trajetórias conhecidas e pesquisadas, entre os quais destaco os escritos, em primeira pessoa, de sujeitos como Booker Washington (1856-1915), Harriet Ann Jacobs (1813-1897), Amanda Smith (1837-1915), e tantos outros que publicaram autobiografias na forma de ...

  6. Maneiras fáceis de comparar duas quantidades. Como calcular uma proporção entre homens e mulheres e outras quantidades. Parafraseando Frederick Douglass : “Podemos não receber tudo o que pagamos, mas certamente pagaremos por tudo o que recebemos”. Para saudar esse grande árbitro do penteado e promotor da igualdade, vamos discutir a ...