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  1. Judeo-Spanish shares a transversal seminar (with the other Jewish languages) in the master's program. Current enrolment is around 22 students across the 3 levels (CNED included) 1. Three bilingual certificates exist in-house: Judeo-Sp. / Hebrew; Judeo-Spanish/Turkish; Judeo-Spanish/Modern Greek.

  2. Judeo-Spanish Study of the Judeo-Spanish language from the Balkans and its contacts with other (Balkan) languages of the surrounding as well as with external languages such as Hebrew and French. The collection comprises three interviews with Judeo-Spanish speakers from the Balkans (Salonika and Sarajevo) which I carried out in January 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia, and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina.

  3. Grabación realizada en la iglesia del Monasterio de Santa María de Cuevas (Sevilla, Mayo 1993) Diseño gráfico: Diseño Imagen y Comunicación. Esta grabación forma parte de una serie que con el nombre de "DOCUMENTOS SONOROS DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURAL DE ANDALUCÍA" patrocina la Consjería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía.

  4. Le judeoespaniol (etiam: judeohispano, sefardi, judesmo, judeoladino o ladino; original: djudeo-espanyol, ג׳ודיאוֹ־איספּאנייוֹל, judio / judesmo, ג׳ודיסמוֹ / יּודיוֹ, o ladino, לאדינו) es un lingua judeo-romanic, varietate de espaniol parlate trans le seculos per le sephardim (hebreo: ספרדים, sephardim), judeos expulsate de Espania in 1492, e ...

  5. 4 Forms of Address at the Dawn of Judeo-Spanish Elisabeth Fernández Martín 5 Linguistic Variation in the Sephardic Community of Pisa (17th Century) José Javier Rodríguez Toro 6 Loke in Judeo-Spanish Olga Kellert 7 Language Contact and the Development of Judeo-Spanish Syntax Susann Fischer 8 On the Influence of German on Judeo-Spanish Carsten Sinner, Elia Hernández Socas and Encarnación ...

  6. Lamentablemente la Colección Panini de la Copa América ya terminó. Visit the Panini Store. Manage cookies

  7. Ladino, otherwise known as Judeo-Spanish, is the spoken and written Hispanic language of Jews of Spanish origin. Ladino did not become a specifically Jewish language until after the expulsion from Spain in 1492 - it was merely the language of their province. It is also known as Judezmo, Dzhudezmo, or Spaniolit.