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  1. Auguste d'Este, titré sir Augustus Frederick d'Este, KCH ( 13 janvier 1794 – 28 décembre 1848) est un parent de la famille royale britannique et la plus ancienne personne pour laquelle un diagnostic de sclérose en plaques a pu être fait.

  2. Sir Augustus Frederick d'Este KCB KCH ( 3. ledna 1794, Essex – 28. prosince 1848, Kensington Gore) byl syn prince Augusta Fredericka, vévody ze Sussexu a lady Augusty Murray, a vnuk krále Jiřího III. Jelikož manželství jeho rodičů bylo v rozporu se zákonem Royal Marriages Act z roku 1772, byl považován za nelegitimního syna.

  3. This series comprises some of the family papers of Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, his wife Augusta nee Murray and their children Augustus Frederick and Augusta Emma D'Este. The documents, which cover the dates 1793 to 1853, consist largely of journals and diaries, a series of Augusta Murray's account books, and a collection of letters.

  4. We owe the first documentation of multiple sclerosis (MS) to a descendent of the Estense family. Augustus d’Este. ´ was born in 1794, grandson to the. Hannoverian King George III of England ...

  5. 17 de out. de 2009 · This website requires cookies, and the limited processing of your personal data in order to function. By using the site you are agreeing to this as outlined in our privacy notice and cookie policy.

  6. 1 de jul. de 2023 · Guvernarea lui Augustus a iniţiat o eră a unei relative păci, cunoscută drept Pax Romana, sau Pacea Romană. În ciuda războaielor continue de la frontiere imperiului şi a războiului civil dintre anii 68-69 d.Hr., asupra succesiunii imperiale, lumea mediteraneană a rămas paşnică vreme de mai bine două secole.

  7. Augustus Frederick d'Este almost certainly suffered from multiple sclerosis, keeping a detailed diary in which he describes 22 years living with the disease. His diary, began in 1822 and ended in 1846, remained undiscovered until "The Journal of a Disappointed Man" was published on 31st March 1919 by one 'WNP Barbellion' 1 .