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  1. Slack représente une nouvelle manière de communiquer avec votre équipe de manière plus rapide, mieux organisée et plus sécurisée que par e-mail.

  2. Find and sign in to your Slack workspace.

  3. Slack takes privacy and data protection seriously. As a cloud-based company entrusted with some of our customers’ most valuable data, we’ve set high standards for security. We’ve received internationally recognized security certifications for ISO 27001 (information security management system) and ISO 27018 (for protecting personal data in the cloud).

  4. Melde dich bei Slack an oder probiere Slack kostenlos mit deinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus. Alles was du dafür brauchst, ist eine E-Mail-Adresse.

  5. Slack permette di comunicare in modo nuovo con il team. È più rapido, più organizzato e più sicuro rispetto alle e-mail.

  6. Slack은 팀과 커뮤니케이션할 수 있는 새로운 방법입니다. 이메일보다 빠르고, 더 조직적이며, 훨씬 안전합니다.

  7. Baixe o Slack de graça para dispositivos móveis e computadores. Fique por dentro das conversas com nossos apps para iOS, Android, Mac, Windows e Linux.