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  1. ProtestantismusWikipedia. Protestantismus. Kirchenfahne der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland, ein Symbol des größten evangelischen Kirchenbundes Deutschlands. Die Verwendung des lateinischen Kreuzes ist für viele protestantische Gemeinden üblich. Mit dem seit 1529 verwendeten und ursprünglich politischen Begriff Protestanten werden ...

  2. › wiki › ReformationReformation - Wikipedia

    The Reformation, also known as the Protestant Reformation and the European Reformation, [1] was a major theological movement in Western Christianity in 16th-century Europe that posed a religious and political challenge to the papacy and the authority of the Catholic Church. Towards the end of the Renaissance, the Reformation marked the ...

  3. Protestantism (part of Christianity) is the largest religious demographic in the United Kingdom . Before Protestantism reached England, the Roman Catholic Church was the established state church. Scotland, Wales and Ireland were also closely tied to Roman Catholicism. During the 16th century, the English Reformation and the Scottish Reformation ...

  4. Razões políticas na Reforma. A Reforma protestante foi iniciada por Martinho Lutero, e foi principalmente impulsionada por razões de interpretação das escrituras, políticas e sociais [ 14][ 15] Contestação veemente sobretudo a doutrina de que o perdão de Deus poderia ser adquirido pelo comércio das indulgências.

  5. A Protestant Bible is a Christian Bible whose translation or revision was produced by Protestant Christians. Typically translated into a vernacular language, such Bibles comprise 39 books of the Old Testament (according to the Hebrew Bible canon , known especially to non-Protestant Christians as the protocanonical books ) and 27 books of the New Testament , for a total of 66 books. [2]

  6. Capa da edição original em alemão de A Ética Protestante e o Espírito do Capitalismo. A ética protestante do trabalho, a ética calvinista do trabalho[ 1] ou a ética puritana do trabalho[ a][ 2] é um conceito na teologia, sociologia, economia e história qual enfatiza que trabalho árduo, disciplina e frugalidade [ 3] são um resultado ...

  7. Protestantisme, også kaldt den protestantiske kirke, er en af de tre hovedretninger inden for kristendommen. De to andre er den romersk-katolske kirke og den græsk-katolske kirke. Protestantismen opstod med reformationen i 1500-tallet som en reaktion mod den romersk-katolske kirke. Den bygger i hovedsagen på Martin Luthers (1483-1546) tanker.