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  1. Leslie Richard Groves est un général de l'armée de terre américaine, né le 17 août 1896 à Albany (État de New York) et mort le 13 juillet 1970 à Washington DC. Il fut notamment le directeur du projet pour développer la première arme atomique de l'histoire : le projet Manhattan .

  2. Leslie Richard Groves (* 17. August 1896 in Albany, New York; † 13. Juli 1970 in Washington, D.C. [1]) war ein Lieutenant General der US Army und militärischer Leiter der Entwicklung der ersten Atombombe im Manhattan-Projekt .

  3. Robert S. Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie Groves, the Manhattan Project’s Indispens-able Man. South Royalton, Vt.: Steerforth Press, 2002. 722pp. $40. Naval War College Review, Vol. 56 [2003], No. 1, Art. 23. Today, when a major weapons system commonly takes decades or more to de-velop, it is hard to imagine that the greatest weapon ...

  4. 21 de jul. de 2023 · Leslie Groves était lieutenant général de l’armée américaine et directeur du projet Manhattan. Né en 1896 à Albany, dans l’État de New York, Leslie Groves est entré dans le corps des ingénieurs de l’armée en 1918, où il a occupé une série de postes de supervision. Pour connaitre l’explication de la fin du film, lisez ceci.

  5. General Leslie Groves and J. Robert Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer insisted, with some success, that scientists at Los Alamos remain as much an academic community as possible, and he proved adept at satisfying the emotional and intellectual needs of his highly distinguished staff. Hans Bethe, head of the theoretical division, remembered that nobody ...

  6. 18 de mai. de 2018 · Leslie Groves. Leslie Groves (1896-1970) was the officer in the United States Army Corps of Engineers who directed the Manhattan Project (atom bomb) during World War II. Leslie Richard Groves was born in Albany, New York, on August 17, 1896, the son of Leslie Richard Groves, a chaplain in the United States Army, and Gwen Griffith Groves.

  7. On September 17, 1942, Colonel Leslie R. Groves was appointed Director of the Manhattan Engineer District, the secret project to build the world’s first atomic bomb. As Project director, Groves oversaw all of the project’s phases, including scientific, technical and process development; construction; security and military intelligence of enemy activities;…