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  1. Palpatine, known also by his Sith name Darth Sidious or simply as The Emperor, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, holding the position from 32 BBY until 19 BBY, and was the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire from 19 BBY until his death in 4 ABY. A Dark Lord of the Sith in the Order of the Sith Lords, recorded by history as the ...

  2. This is a timeline of galactic history—a chronological record of events relevant to the galaxy. This timeline uses dates in terms of years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) and after the Battle of Yavin (ABY). Sentient species prehistory The universe begins forming.[2] The galaxy is formed around a super-massive black hole.[3] Midi-chlorians are birthed from the Wellspring of Life. They are ...

  3. 23 de abr. de 2021 · Darth Plagueis. Mencionado em Star Wars: Episódio III- A Vingança dos Sith; Darth Plagueis é outro Sith muito misterioso do qual se sabe quase nada. Darth Sidious revela que Plagueis era um mestre em usar a força para estender sua vida, o que pode explicar a aparente longevidade de Sidious.

  4. The Phase-III Dark Trooper,[6] also known as the third-generation design Dark Trooper[7] was a type of elite,[8] experimental third-generation battle droid manufactured by the Imperial Department of Military Research and used by the Imperial remnant of Moff Gideon.[4] The black and silver-plated droids were humanoid in shape and featured a pair of red photoreceptors. The droids were heat ...

  5. Disneyland After Dark: Star Wars Nite 2024. Images; Share; More From Star Wars: Instagram Twitter ...

  6. Darth Sidious, nacido Sheev Palpatine y también conocido simplemente como el Emperador, fue un hombre humano Señor Oscuro de los Sith y Emperador del Imperio Galáctico, que gobernó desde el 19 ABY hasta el 4 DBY. Ascendiendo al poder en el Senado de la República como senador de Naboo, el Lord Sith en secreto conservó dos identidades, Sidious y Palpatine, usando ambas para avanzar en su ...

  7. Dark Jedi were Force-sensitives who were devoted to the dark side of the Force but were not Sith nor members of the Inquisitorius.[5] One Dark Jedi, whose rise had been the subject of a Jedi prophecy, was the daughter of an ancient duchess of Malastare.[4] At least during her service to Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Asajj Ventress was considered a Dark Jedi.[1] During ...