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  1. Philip Sidney. Sir Philip Sidney (* 30.November 1554 in Penshurst, Kent; † 17. Oktober jul. / 27. Oktober 1586 greg. in Arnhem) war ein englischer Höfling, Soldat und Schriftsteller und galt als ein Idealbild des elisabethanischen Adligen, der sich sowohl als Dichter und Höfling hervortat als auch als Kämpfer für die protestantische Sache in Europa.

  2. An Apology for Poetry (or The Defence of Poesy) is a work of literary criticism by Elizabethan poet Philip Sidney. It was written in approximately 1580 and first published in 1595, after his death. It is generally believed that he was at least partly motivated by Stephen Gosson, a former playwright who dedicated his attack on the English stage ...

  3. 17 de nov. de 2017 · Categories: Literature. Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586) is often cited as an archetype of the well-rounded “Renaissance man”: his talents were multifold, encompassing not only poetry and cultivated learning but also the virtues of statesmanship and military service. He was born into an aristocratic family, was eventually knighted, and held ...

  4. 29 de jan. de 2022 · Defesa da Poesia — Sir Philip Sidney. Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586) foi cortesão, político, soldado, poeta inglês nascido em Penshurst, Kent, patrono das ciências e das artes da Inglaterra. De família nobre e influente, foi educado para seguir a carreira política e militar. Estudou em Oxford e em seguida, durante três anos, viajou ...

  5. Sir Philip Sidney’s sonnet sequence Astrophil and Stella explores all aspects of its topic, the love of the fictional Astrophil and Stella. Although Sidney’s sonnets are Petrarchan in the content of a lover’s lament and exaggerated praise of the beloved’s beauty, the structure features elements of both English and Italian sonnets.

  6. Philip Sidney (30 de noviembre de 1554-17 de octubre de 1586) fue una de las figuras más prominentes de la época isabelina inglesa y modelo de hombre renacentista, famoso en su día en Inglaterra como escritor, cortesano y militar, introdujo el soneto en la literatura inglesa, así como también otras corrientes renacentistas, tanto mediante ...

  7. Philip Sidney took great pride in his horsemanship, a skill that was most important for a courtier, and he even began The Defence of Poesy by telling a story about horsemanship. His character Astrophel, too, is a good horseman, as we learn in sonnet 41, where he tells of having won the prize at a tournament.