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  1. Varvara Fedorovna Stepanova was born on 5 November 1894 in Kovno (today Kaunas) in Lithuania. Her artistic path began in 1910 at the Kazan School of Art where she met Alexander Rodchenko, a student of that same school, who became her life-long companion. Together with Rodchenko, the artist moved to Moscow in 1912 and continued her ...

  2. Stepanova, Varvara. 1894 – 1958 : Née dans une famille modeste, elle rejoint en 1910 l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Kazan où elle rencontre son futur mari Alexandre Rodtchenko. Tous les deux s’installent à Moscou, pour y vivre ensemble à partir de 1916, et s’inscrivent à l’école d’arts appliqués Stroganoff. Stepanova y fait la ...

  3. Amazons of the Avant-Garde features the pioneering Modernism of six artists—Alexandra Exter, Natalia Goncharova, Liubov Popova, Olga Rozanova, Varvara Stepanova, and Nadezhda Udaltsova—all of whom shared an ambition to discover what Rozanova described as "new bases of artistic creation." This exhibition explores the vital role that each ...

  4. Varvara Fedorovna Stepanova nació el 5 de noviembre de 1894 en Kovno (en la actualidad Kaunas) en Lituania. Sus primeros pasos en el mundo del arte comenzaron en 1910 en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Kazán, donde conoció a Alexander Rodchenko, que por aquel entonces también estudiaba en la Escuela y que fue su compañero durante toda su vida.

  5. 6 de dez. de 2023 · By the end of the First Five-Year Plan in 1933, the USSR had become a leading industrial power, though it’s worth noting that contemporary historians have found that economists from the USSR inflated results to enhance the image of the Soviet Union. In this work of art, Stepanova has also used the tools of the propagandist.

  6. Although Billiard Players is a painting, to a certain extent Stepanova used the approached the assignment as a graphic exercise, defining the shapes with strong clarity, emphasizing the grey and white areas, and adding the dotted, criss-cross patterns as if the base material were graph paper. Not surprisingly, Stepanova repeated the musicians ...

  7. Varvara Stepanova kom från en bondefamilj men hade turen att få en utbildning på Kazans konstskola i Odessa. Där träffade hon sin blivande make och medarbetare Aleksandr Rodtjenko. Under åren före ryska revolutionen 1917 hyrde de en lägenhet i Moskva av Vasilij Kandinskij.