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  1. • Japan Vaganova Ballet Association - «Vaganova Ballet Academy Summer School 2024 in Saint Petersburg» Saint Petersburg, August, 10 – 28, 2024 (International students available) Director- Andrei Orlov Address: Vaganova Academy, Rossi str., 2, Saint-Petersburg, Russia All expenses: meals, accommodation, excursions, theater visits included.

  2. 7 de dez. de 2021 · A great number of ballet schools, particularly in Russia, teach the Vaganova method of classical dance training.

  3. 27 de dez. de 2019 · Many people have reached out to me asking me about my daily life here in Russia. So today I will take you through what a day is like training at Vaganova, as well as show you around some of the inside of the academy.My life in Russia definitely has its differences, but in many ways it’s similar to my life back in America. I spend most of my time training, doing school work, eating and ...

  4. Vaganova Ballet Academy in Saint Petersburg. Vaganova Ballet Academy. ... • Russia Ballet Summer Camp 2022 in Japan July 22 – August 4, 2022.

  5. The Vaganova method is a ballet technique and training system devised by the Russian dancer and pedagogue Agrippina Vaganova (1879–1951). It was Agrippina who perfected and cultivated this form of teaching classical ballet and turned it into a viable syllabus.

  6. 《国/都市》ロシア / サンクトペテルブルク 《学校名》Vaganova Academy of Russian Balletワガノワバレエアカデミーまたはロシア国立ワガノワバレエ学校 《日本国際バレエフェスティバル スカラシップ実績》 2

  7. In 2009, finished the post-graduate study of Vaganova Ballet Academy. In 2015 Candidate of Sciences (PhD). In 2012 Awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. 1991 - 2012 - a ballet dancer at Mariinsky Theatre. Since 2003 teaching character and historical dance at Vaganova Ballet Academy Author of the book “Waltz.