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  1. The Vaganova method is a ballet technique and training system devised by the Russian dancer and pedagogue Agrippina Vaganova (1879–1951). It was Agrippina who perfected and cultivated this form of teaching classical ballet and turned it into a viable syllabus. Examinations are done in partnership with prestigeos Russian institutions of higher ...

  2. 《国/都市》ロシア / サンクトペテルブルク 《学校名》Vaganova Academy of Russian Balletワガノワバレエアカデミーまたはロシア国立ワガノワバレエ学校 《日本国際バレエフェスティバル スカラシップ実績》 2

  3. 4 de mai. de 2021 · The Vaganova Ballet Academy was founded on May 4, 1738 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Its foundation was demanded by Empress Anna in order to train dancers for a national ballet company which would be founded less than a decade later. The company was originally known as the Imperial Russian Ballet (now the Mariinsky Ballet), and its feeder school ...

  4. 🇷🇺 Enrolment assistance, application and study at Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. Fees, prices, reviews, photos and videos. Full admission support for students

  5. Dance studios. There are 14 dance studios at the Vaganova Ballet Academy, one of which is the Petipa studio, named after Marius Petipa, one of the famous choreographer who created his ballets in this hall. This studio has the raked (sloping) floor that replicated the slant of the Mariinsky's stage. Marius Petipa dance studio. Darla Hoover,a ...

  6. Vaganova Ballet Academy - 280. Gala at the Bolshoi Theatre, June 19, 2018 (announcement). Graduation performance of the Vaganova Ballet Academy at the Mariinsky Theatre, June 14, 2017, recorded by TV "Russia - Kultura".

  7. Vaganova Ballet Academy has been included in Forbes rating of the 100 best Russian universities for the third time. The first ranking was published in 2018. Now the Russian universities are evaluated on the following metrics: "The quality of education" with a new a parameter "Teacher quality"; "Graduate quality" is a metric based on Forbes' own research; the Forbes Factor which reflects the ...