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  1. Martin Luther King, III 1957 –. Civil rights activist. A Child of the Movement. The Emergence of “ Marty ”. Dad ’ s Old Job. Sources. To grow up in the shadow of anyone is a difficult task, but to grow up as the namesake of one of the most important men in the twentieth century requires a Herculean effort.

  2. Martin Luther King Jr.: vida, ativismo, assassinato

  3. 7 de dez. de 2022 · Biografia de Martin Luther King Jr.

  4. 11 de ago. de 2021 · On August 28, 2021 — the 58th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech — Martin Luther King III and his family will lead a march on Washington, Atlanta, Miami, Houston, Phoenix and other cities to call for voting rights protection in the United States.

  5. Martin Luther King Jr. – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

  6. 15 de jan. de 2023 · Martin Luther King III: Every campaign he was involved in, he talked about voting rights and the expansion of that franchise. And he used to say that a vote less people is a powerless people.

  7. As fotografias coloridas se misturam com as em preto e branco nas redes sociais de Martin Luther King III.Com mais de meio século de diferença, alguns homens com faixas, em Harlem [Nova York], em 1963, que dizem “A brutalidade policial deve desaparecer”, e duas crianças sustentam alguns cartazes, em 2020, onde se lê “Black Lives Matter” [As vidas negras importam].