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  1. La School of Oriental and African Studies ( École des études orientales et africaines ), souvent appelée simplement par son acronyme SOAS, est une école constituante de l' université de Londres spécialisée dans les arts, humanités, langues, cultures, droit et sciences sociales en relation avec l' Asie, l' Afrique et le Proche-Orient.

  2. 伦敦大学亚非学院(School of Oriental and African Studies;简称SOAS),创立于1916年,是伦敦大学的亚非研究中心。学院原名“伦敦大学东方学院”,其后因增加了非洲研究方面的教学和研究项目而改为现名。亚非学院位于伦敦市中心区,紧邻大英博物馆和大英图书馆,研究范围涉及亚洲、非洲、近东和 ...

  3. › research › libraryLibrary | SOAS

    SOAS Library Bulletin. Sign up. You are viewing: Welcome. One of the world's most important academic libraries for the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

  4. ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究学院 (University of London The School of Oriental and African Studies、通称: SOAS [2] 〈ソアス〉)は、 ロンドン 市中心部 ラッセル・スクウェア に本部を持つ ロンドン大学 に所属する名門大学の1つ。.

  5. La School of Oriental and African Studies (normalmente abbreviata in SOAS, pronuncia ['səuæs] (so as) o ['səuæz] (so az)) è un college costitutivo dell' Università di Londra, specializzato in lingue, studi umanistici, economia e giurisprudenza delle aree culturali dell' Asia, dell' Africa e del Vicino e Medio Oriente .

  6. 10 de out. de 2022 · A user-friendly dashboard where all the required information on these meetings will be documented and agreed by the students and supervisors. Login. 0207 074 5070. You are viewing: About. As a PhD student at SOAS you will be joining a research community of doctoral researchers from across the globe.

  7. 11 de jan. de 2022 · School of Law, Gender and Media & Food Studies Centre. School of Law, Gender and Media. The School of Law is dedicated to the legal systems and challenges of the developing world, with complementary strengths in human rights, international law and institutions, environmental law, and international trade and commerce.