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  1. Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (Zavosse, Gubernia da Lituânia, Império Russo (hoje na Bielorrússia), 24 de dezembro de 1798 - Istambul, Império Otomano, 26 de novembro de 1855) foi um dos poetas e escritores poloneses mais conhecidos, conhecido como o grande poeta polonês, e que juntamente com Zygmunt Krasiński e Juliusz Słowacki é ...

  2. Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (24 December 1798 – 26 November 1855) was a Polish poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator and political activist. He is regarded as national poet in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus.

  3. Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (ur. 13 grudnia? /24 grudnia 1798 w Zaosiu lub Nowogródku, zm. 26 listopada 1855 w Stambule) – polski poeta, działacz polityczny, publicysta, tłumacz, filozof, działacz religijny, mistyk, organizator i dowódca wojskowy, nauczyciel akademicki.

  4. Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855) was one of the greatest poets of Poland and a lifelong apostle of Polish national freedom. His masterpiece is the epic poem Pan Tadeusz (1834). He was the principal poet of Polish Romanticism, and he epitomized Polish identity for succeeding generations of writers.

  5. The greatest of Poland's Romantic poets - a poet, columnist, political activist, and visionary. He is cited as a pioneer of the vision of a federation of free nations and citizens.

  6. Adam Bernard Mickiewicz foi um dos poetas e escritores poloneses mais conhecidos, conhecido como o grande poeta polonês, e que juntamente com Zygmunt Krasiński e Juliusz Słowacki é considerado um dos Três Bardos.

  7. Najwybitniejszy twórca romantyczny, poeta, publicysta, działacz polityczny, wizjoner. Urodził się 24 grudnia 1798 w Nowogródku na Litwie, zmarł 26 listopada 1855 w Stambule.